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Heart Life Inner Healing

Heart Life is a biblical approach of Christ centered Inner Healing and Deliverance.


“You will show me the path of life” ~ Psalm 16:11

The aim is that all children of the Lord would be free of bondage and enabled to experience the true unconditional love of their Lord and Savior and to come into full alignment with the Heavenly Father’s purpose and destiny for their life. 

“Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17

Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit through Heart Life Inner Healing and Deliverance the broken hearted are healed and restored. 

By seeking God FIRST through forgiveness, intercession, repentance, surrender and trust the believer is keeping with the instruction of Proverbs 4:23 to “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.”

Penny Slosson is a Heart Life Minister. There’s no greater joy for her than to see the broken hearted brought back to life through the healing love of the Heavenly Father. And she witnesses it daily through the inner healing ministry of Heart Life. She has co-founded the ministry of Heart Life after over 30 years of discipling others through bible studies, counseling, freedom ministry and mentoring. 

Penny also ministers alongside her husband who serves as Care Pastor at Love Church in Omaha. They enjoy spending lots of time together and with their family including their seven grandchildren. 

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Click below to learn more about our Heart Life Inner Healing Bundles.

Testimony Quotes 

"I had such a clear visual of shackles breaking and falling off of me today! Truly I feel so refreshed and replenished. I will forever remember this time as a turning point and praise God for Penny as the vessel." Linden D. 

"In my Heart Life sessions with Penny I've experienced the Lord freeing my life of past hurts. The Holy Spirit has truly truly brought healing from those years of heartache for the first time." Beth C. 




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